HOWABOUTTHAT? Arrest and lock up the Ki

llers/Police Officers now and investigate later! All eyes have seen the brutal public murder of Mr. George Floyd.
Again, we want to warn that, if society fails to act and do the right thing, a REVOLUTION could be on the way, and it will be TELEVISED!
An FBI investigation is underway and four officers have been fired following a fatal encounter Monday between Minneapolis police and this unarmed 46-year-old black man named George Floyd.
Investigation can take four months or more. We the people cannot wait another day for these killers to be jailed! WE’RE MAD AS HELL AND CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! OUR CUP IS FULL AND RUNNING OVER!
Watch this CBS Minneapolis report with good reasoning...…. Investigation can take four months or more. We the people cannot wait another day for these killers to be jailed! WE CAN'T TAKE NO LONGER! OUR CUP IS FULL AND RUNNING OVER.
Watch this CBS Minneapolis report with good reasoning...