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Willie Wilson $1M wrong this time and must reverse his planned defiance of the City COVID 19 require

Writer's picture: Howaboutthat- EditorHowaboutthat- Editor

It is true that before and during this COVID-19 pandemic, former Mayoral Candidate and philanthropist Dr. Willie Wilson has been making outstanding contributions to the people of Chicago in some of the most meaningful ways, such as giving cash to church attendees to pay utility bills during the election campaign, giving a million masks during this current crisis, and contributing to poor students education, among other kind gestures. All these humanitarian contributions by Dr. Wilson deserve credit, must be given praise and acknowledgment.

However, when Dr. Wilson calls on religious leaders to disobey the order given by the Mayor of Chicago and the Governor of Illinois and offers to pay up to $1million dollars to the City to cover the fines for church leaders who are willing to break the City and State orders and risk the lives of thousands of dedicated church members, most of whom are seniors, Mr. Wilson is so so wrong and should be vigorously opposed! .....We pray that none of our Spiritual leaders will listen to Mr. Wilson and go against the welfare of the people and the wisdom of the leaders of our State to close the places of worship until the appropriate time.

Regardless of how rich or wealthy you are, you should not use your wealth to put the lives of others at risk. This is not what God wants for his people. Our Mayor Lightfoot and the Scientists have shown us the rules for fighting COVID-19 that has already claimed the lives of some 5,000 Illinoisans with almost 100,000 cases in the State, and all of us must adhere to these requirements.

It is true that most of us and our businesses are victims of this pandemic. We are unable to host our events, festivals, concerts go to church as we would like, go to the games, the restaurants, clubs, and schools just to name few of our means of survival, social activity and satisfaction, but we must, as difficult as it may be, respect the protocols of our city and state and do the right thing...



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